I wanted to start this blog to keep an account of my life: thoughts, ideas, accomplishments, musings. Having just turned 30, I find myself contemplating life more than ever. We've all been asked the proverbial, "Where do you see yourself in five years from now?". I've never been the person to have a clear answer for that. How am I supposed to know where I'll be in five years? So much can happen, and so much does. So for now, at the dawn of my youth (I know, so melodramatic) I want to focus on what I have now, and how I can turn these blessings into the best life ever.
There are so many amazing new things happening now. I am engaged to a wonderful man, we just purchased our first home, and I'm starting a new chapter in my career. I feel like I am officially an adult!
So if I can keep up with the wonderful world of blogging, we'll see where I am in five years from now. In the words of Coolio, here's hoping to a "Fantastic Voyage".
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